Lin L.
I bought these item for friend birthday. She loved it so much. She say seldom friend give present like these before. The Quran got Rumi & tajwid easy to read & learn. So if anyone no ideas what to give to your muslim friends, beloved, parent etc. Try get the Islamic item.
Mohamed Rafi M.
No words can describe. Alhamdullillah
Mohamad Daniel G.
Alhamdulilah..everything went smooth..thank u
Hadi R.
Very fast response and delivered on time. Recommend it!
Ash J.
Thank you very much for fast delivery
Qur'an very nice, large fond in arabic, easier for me to read as my reading glass is 300 degrees.
Rumi fond also acceptable to read.
I've been browsing a lot to find Qur'an with big fond arabic until i found this.
Yes i'm satisfied and happy and started to read Qur'an
Abdul Rahman R.
Very helpful, and very fast delivery.. Highly recommended
Abdul Rahman R.
Very fast delivery.. Highly recommended seller
Cuma tulisan Latin terlalu kecil
Promptly action when contacted. The delivery was fast and promptly.
The price was reasonably.
Hashim B.
Alhamdulillah! Al Hadi Quran has clear illustration, meaning and tajweed indicators. Thank you.
Izah K.
Allhamdullilah da sampai. Terimakasih . Saya nk hadiahkan kepada kakak dan anaknya.
Faridah M.
A good choice for those who are learning. Because it is in a bigger size, it is clearer & easier to read. With the translation, it is more beneficial when reading because we can also understand while reciting.
I am able to understand the content story inside the Al quran. I can improve my reading & i can read it anywhere & anytime i want it. Alhamdulillah. I have recommended some friends & they love it too.
Norullayaley M.
Smooth order experience and fast delivery
Assalamualaikum semua. Quran sebagai hadiah sambutan Muharram 1442H untuk adik beradik saya. Mereka suka Quran besar. Pembelian lebih dari 10 naskah. Alhamdulilah
Nur Liyana Y.
Love the Quran so much. The delivery also not expected. It so Fast! Masya Allah.
Herlina M.
Already delivered ! Alhamdulillah ... fast delivery. Tqsm
Alhamdulillah terimakasih adik for prompt delivery! So in love! Thanks
Maniseh I.
My family like it so much but the words a bit small for old lady like me to read anyway thank you so much
Zahra M.
As I am not good in using Arab words, this Quran is the best that I purchased. Tq.
Kamari M.
If only the Qur'an Hadi Latin words too small to read. Using my spectacle also not helping. I have to use magnifying glass to read. Trimakasih Tuan..
Mustaffa Q.
Alhamdulillah..sudah terima the Quran. Saya sungguh kagum with all the translatiions and the assisted wordings in rumi. Smoga Allah s.w.t kurniakan seluas luas pahala for all these efforts. Aminn.
Mohd A.
Do and share more related to our practices for next life after this shadah life.. it's is for our preparations in the Judgment Day Event in Hereafter.. Jazakallah khair..
Ali S.
More knowledge with better and clear translation
muhammad yasin y.
Alhamdulillah!not only have i able to read this extraordinary Quran much faster and know the meaning at the same time and to memorize it much easier as well.
Kamari K.
Alhamdulilah.. barang saya selamat sampai dgn sempurna.. semoga kita semua di berkati Allah swt.. aamiin3x
Elya S.
Fast delivery. Thank you. May Allah bless you. Amin.
Masnita R.
Alhamdulillah.. it’s the best choice as gifts to family and friends!!
Maybe in future can hv version for elderly where the font is bigger?
Muhammad Z.
The transaction was efficient and delivery fast! Very good service!
Thank you.
Zaleha J.
Alhamdulillah..dah terima Quran nye..order hari Ahad mlm..hari ni hampir2 Maghrib...sampaitrma ksh
Asry K.
Saya baru beli hari ini, tersangat lah bagus nya, memudahkan saya menghafal dan mengulang kaji,...
Alhamdulillah sukur...
Memang bermanafaat...
Alhamdulillah Quran Alhadi Dan tasbih dah sampai di rumah.
Alhamdulillah, I received it. Thank you very much. Now I can’t wait to read it!!
Abdul Rahman A.
Was very impress that item was delivered within same day of ordering.
Fast delivery, AL Quran was wrapped well...
Good service..
Kartiny S.
Allhamdulillah. Thank you Esouq for bringing this wonderful Al Hadi Quran! It is good for beginners as the Ayat are separated into short words so it is easier to read and there are tajweed indicators too.
For those who can already read the Quran, can refer to this for the translation of Arabic words.
Great service and very prompt response.
Salwah S.
Alhamdulillah. As they say, slow and steady InshaAllah we will conquer. Love my new book and been reading since it came. If I may request if the huruf can be a little bigger cos for someone whose eyesight is not too good it is a strain to see. Other than that Alhamdulillah.
Sahlin S.
Alhamdulillah! The quran help me alot. As I'm not a good reciter of quran. Thank you.
Rohayah J.
Order today, delivery the very next day. It’s very user friendly Quran for beginner to recite the surah.
Irwan A.
Alhamdulillah hj, saya dah terima Al quran ni.
As salam sya da trima al quran ptg td
Izah K.
Allhamdullilah received, both homes. Thank u
Izah K.
Allhamdullilah received, both homes. Thank u
alhamdulillah. i da received fastest service and excellent. tqsm sis
Iryanti S.
Ordered at 830am this morning and received at 1230pm.. super fast delivery.. highly recommended thank you
Alhamdulillah, finally I got u Quran Al-Hadi. Special thanks to Ms Nora fm Esouq for your excellent service and the delivery service is super fast. Purchase the quran today at 10am and delivered to me at ard 1.30pm. I am so contented. Tqsm.
Rosminah A.
Product arrived early. Thanks